IFLA launch a survey on copyright education for library associations

The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) have launched a survey to find out what library associations around the world are doing to support copyright education. The IFLA Strategy, 2019-24,  seeks to strengthen the role of libraries and library associations in promoting access to and use of information. To this end, advocating for an equitable copyright framework, and promoting the skills and understanding to deliver services most effectively are key activities.

According to the IFLA Statement on Copyright Education and Copyright Literacy (published in August 2018), library associations have a key role in promoting comprehensive copyright literacy among professionals and directly engaging in their education.

The goal of this survey is two-fold:

(1) to document how library associations are currently engaging in copyright education,

(2) to discover how best IFLA might support copyright education by offering new resources and services.

You can find out more about this survey and see it in full here. We are aware that CILIP are looking at the survey in the UK, and we would encourage international readers in the library profession to contact their local library association to ensure IFLA get a good response.

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