Creative approaches to teaching copyright online

Jane writes this week’s blog post about our latest publication…

Chris and I were delighted to be invited to publish in the April edition of the Creative Academic magazine. This special issue was edited by a colleague of mine, Johanna Payton, who is a lecturer in journalism at City, University of London (and also my PhD student!) and Lisa Clughen from Nottingham Trent University. The theme is about the shift to online teaching caused by the pandemic and whether this is an opportunity to be more creative in our teaching.

There are lots of excellent articles in the magazine showcasing creative approaches to online teaching in many different disciplines. The pandemic has been really difficult for lecturers, but many people have used it as an opportunity to re-think their teaching and to be more creative and perhaps try something new. For us, it pushed up to develop an online version of Copyright the Card Game, something we had been resistant to because of the value we place on the team interaction in the room. However, the article shows how using break-out rooms we have managed to recreate some of the team learning and make improvements to the game that we will take back into the classroom. It’s also an option for delivering the workshop to different audiences.

While we can’t wait to go back to running workshops face to face, there are so many things we’ve learnt from running online training. You can read more about our experiences in the article. Below is the comic strip we created to summarise our experiences which is also published in the magazine alongside our article. I’m loving the cartoon-ised versions of Jane and Chris!

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