Icepops booking opens and the Copyright Literacy team wish you a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Mary, Brian, Misha and Simon
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all ‘cross the web,
There was nothing of interest, just the same Brexit dread,

But behold an announcement of a conference next June,
Promising copyright playfulness, all to a tune,

Icepops was back and north of the border,
So dig out your fiddle, your uke or recorder!

To Edinburgh Uni for copyright joy,
Please do come and join us, it isn’t a ploy,

Just submit a proposal on copyright fun,
Grab a place, book your travel and then you’ll have won,

For winter is dreadful and spring brings more doom,
But a booking at Icepops will banish the gloom!

Now for the slightly less torturous part:

As an early Christmas present to you all we have now opened the bookings for the International Copyright Literacy Event with Playful Opportunities for Practitioners and Scholars, also known as, Icepops. The conference will be held next June in Edinburgh, the call for contributors is also open, and we would love to see you there. Whether you are a librarian or a lawyer, a publisher or a musician, anyone with an interest in copyright education should get their ticket quick. We have a discounted rate for CILIP members and also for our speakers.

In the meantime we’ll be taking a bit of a break from the blog and will return in the new year. Have a restful break everyone – thanks to all our guest bloggers in 2018, all our followers on twitter and all the readers of this blog.

Merry Christmas everyone from Jane and Chris.

[We hope you liked our short verse. As a fun topic of discussion around the meal table this festive period, why not ask how many lines of this poem you might consider it fair to quote from?]

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