Icepops 2022: keynote speakers

Dr Emily Hudson – King’s College London

Our opening keynote will be given by Dr Emily Hudson, Reader in Law at Kings College London. Emily joined King’s in January 2015, having previously held academic posts at the University of Melbourne, University of Queensland and University of Oxford. Emily teaches in IP modules in the undergraduate and LLM programmes at King’s, and her research has a particular focus on IP law, including projects on Quotation Norms in the Publishing Industry and Distinctiveness in Trade Mark Law. She is author of the book Drafting Copyright Exceptions: From the Law in Books to the Law in Action (Cambridge University Press, 2020), and has been a regular speaker at the Copyright and Online Learning webinar series, including in relation to her copyright guidance on the use of audiovisual works in teaching. Emily will be speaking about the pastiche exception in copyright law.

Andrea Wallace and Douglas McCarthy, photo by Kristine Khouri, CC BY 2.0.

We are delighted to announce that this year we have a joint keynote by Dr Andrea Wallace (University of Exeter) and Douglas McCarthy (Europeana Foundation).

Andrea Wallace (@andeewallace) is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Exeter. Her research explores legal issues surrounding copyright, cultural institutions and the public domain by examining the impact of digital technologies on the preservation, interpretation, and dissemination of cultural heritage. She frequently writes and presents on open culture and the impact that a claim to copyright in reproductions has on meaningful access to  cultural heritage in the public domain.

Andrea’s previous projects include Display At Your Own Risk (with Ronan Deazley, Queen’s University Belfast), a research-led exhibition experiment featuring digital surrogates of public domain works made available by cultural institutions around the world. She is currently working on a new resource called the Copyright Cortex  which catalogues material about copyright and digital cultural heritage to provide he GLAM sector with scholarly commentary, practical guidance, and real world place studies all in one place. She works closely with Douglas McCarthy to manage the data collected by the ongoing Open GLAM Survey.

An art historian by academic training, Douglas McCarthy (@CultureDoug) has worked internationally in museums, art collections and archives for twenty years. He is a passionate advocate for open access to cultural heritage and his areas of expertise include digital collections management, copyright and licensing. At Europeana, Douglas leads a team working with international museum and educational partners to showcase their collections and engage online audiences with cultural heritage, digital storytelling and dynamic content marketing.

In his own right Douglas is a respected researcher and author in the field of open access to cultural heritage. Since 2018, he has led an international survey of open access policy and practice in the GLAM sector with Dr Andrea Wallace. Douglas is also the Editor of the Medium publication Open GLAM that shares insights into open access and cultural heritage from a global perspective.’